PayPal Pride LGBTQ Transgender

PayPal, Owner of Venmo, (LGBTQ+) Christian Values Compatibility Report #2

PayPal support for employee’s gender transition.

“She went through “all aspects of the social transition from male to female gender…” and “Eventually, through advocacy from Scott and PayPal’s LGBTQ employee resource group, most systems at the company now use the preferred name in the system instead of the legal name.”[19]

Pro Life PaymentsPro Life News Sponsored by Pro Life Payments. Saving babies with every swipe.

PayPal, owner of Venmo,[26]: A Champion for LGBTQ+ Rights and Transgenderism

PayPal has consistently demonstrated its commitment to supporting and endorsing LGBTQ+ lifestyles and rights, with a particular emphasis on transgender issues. The company has implemented various programs, policies, and partnerships to ensure a diverse and inclusive environment for its employees and customers. The company goes so far as to cover lodging and travel for transgender surgeries, and choosing to walk away from North Carolina because they didn’t acce

PayPal Transgender LBGTQ Support

PayPal, owner of Venmo, Supporting LGBTQ+ Organizations

PayPal has partnered with several LGBTQ+ organizations, enabling users to donate to these causes through the PayPal Giving Fund. Some of these organizations include the National Center for Transgender Equality[2], the Human Rights Campaign Foundation[3], the National LGBTQ Task Force[5], the Transgender Law Center[7], and Trans Lifeline[11]. By facilitating donations to these organizations, PayPal actively supports their missions to promote LGBTQ+ rights and improve the lives of transgender individuals.

Diversity and Inclusion at PayPal

PayPal, owner of Venmo, is committed to embracing diversity and inclusion in its workforce, valuing employees of all racial, ethnic, and cultural backgrounds, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, veteran status, and abilities[4]. The company supports initiatives such as the Lesbians Who Tech Summit, and its Supplier Diversity Program[4]. PayPal’s Employee Resource Groups (ERGs) also play a crucial role in fostering a culture of belonging and supporting LGBTQ+ employees and allies[10].

PayPal Pride Month Celebrations

PayPal has a history of celebrating Pride Month and recognizing the contributions of the LGBTQ+ community. In 2021, the company expressed its support for the LGBTQ+ community and celebrated its diversity and vibrancy. The company proudly wrote, “From our early advocacy for the Equality Act to our decision to walk away from a new office location in North Carolina as a result of their passage of discriminatory legislation, PayPal has been a longtime advocate for LGBTQ+ equality and inclusion and a proud recipient of a perfect 100% rating from the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) Corporate Equality Index each year since becoming an independent company in 2015.”[6]. PayPal believes transgender people should be able to use the bathroom of their choice, including biological men using the women’s bathroom, however, “the law bans people from using bathrooms that don’t match the sex indicated on their birth certificates.” In 2018, PayPal was recognized by Glassdoor as a company that champions LGBTQ+ equality hiring during Pride Month[8].

PayPal, Supporting Transgender Employees

PayPal offers extensive benefits for transgender employees, including coverage for lodging and travel for surgical appointments within the U.S. [16]. The company also focuses on providing mental health care for LGBTQ+ employees, recognizing the potential double stigma faced by individuals dealing with mental health issues[16]. In 2020, PayPal supported one employee’s gender transition, showcasing the company’s commitment to creating an inclusive environment for transgender individuals[19].

Endorsing the Equality Act

In 2015, PayPal publicly endorsed the Equality Act, a landmark federal bill that would guarantee explicit, permanent protections for LGBTQ+ individuals from discrimination[22].

In conclusion, PayPal has taken numerous steps to endorse, support, and champion LGBTQ+ lifestyles and rights, with a special emphasis on transgender issues. Through its partnerships with LGBTQ+ organizations, commitment to diversity and inclusion, celebration of Pride Month, support for transgender employees, and endorsement of the Equality Act, PayPal has established itself as a company that is 100% in support of gender identity choices and LGBTQ+ issues.

Pro Life, Christian Credit Card ProcessingPro Life, Christian Credit Card Processing

Pro Life Payments is the for-profit arm of the pro-life movement. Pro-Life Payments is reducing abortion in America by turning customer financial transactions into pro-life funding. We give 15% of gross revenue to Pro-Life organizations. Payments is transitioning donation platforms, credit card processing and peer to peer payments into a funding engine for the pro-life community. Pro-Life Payments is providing customers with the alternative to the abortion-supporting financial institutions and payment processors they are supporting today.

