
About Pro-Life Payments

Matthew 25:40, which states, "Verily I say unto you, as much as ye have done it unto one of the least of these My brethren, ye have done it unto Me."

Pro-Life Payments was conceived from the understanding that pro-life heroes—pregnancy centers, ultrasound technicians, apologists, and activists performing God’s will—are often underfunded. Meanwhile, resources from Big Tech payment titans and tax dollars were being diverted to fund abortions. Embracing the wisdom of Proverbs 13:22, which tells us "the wealth of the wicked is stored up for the righteous," we recognized the need for an economic shift to save the lives of unborn babies. Thus, Pro-Life Payments was born.

Initially focused solely on payments, our mission has since expanded into a full-fledged for-profit enterprise offering accounts receivable software, invoicing solutions, and a donor management platform tailored for 501(c)(3) organizations. This evolution ensures that pro-life entities have the necessary tools to sustain and grow their vital work.

This journey began with Jared's transformational encounter with the Holy Spirit in 2018, which broke his heart and galvanized him to take action and recruit like-minded professionals to see it through. Jared endeavors to incorporate Biblical principles at all times, ensuring that our mission remains true to its core values.

Isaiah 6:8 Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then said I, Here am I; send me.

Our Mission

We envisioned a payment service that did more than process transactions. We saw the potential for each transaction to be a conduit for positive change, reflecting our deepest values. Pro-Life Payments is the realization of that vision—a platform where businesses and individuals can support the protection of life with every financial action.

Challenges and Perseverance

The journey to establish Pro-Life Payments was filled with challenges. Balancing competitive rates with our commitment to donate significant revenue to pro-life causes demanded creativity, determination, and unwavering faith. Throughout the startup phase, the team's conviction that the fight for life is the central issue of our time—"ground zero" of moral struggle—has fueled our persistence. The team often shares words of motivation and faith: "Need motivation? Think about the babies. Need sustainability and perseverance? Pray that God will break your heart for what breaks His."

Praying for Impact

Today, our dedicated group at Pro-Life Payments is committed to expanding the impact of our contributions to those doing God's work on the front lines. This growth is achieved by maintaining a business model that is tightly aligned with God's heart. The excitement surrounding Pro-Life Payments has sparked a small but rapidly growing movement, fostering a community that views financial activity as a force for righteousness.

A Legacy Beyond Commerce

By offering a platform that facilitates the protection of life through everyday transactions, Pro-Life Payments has created more than a business—we have sparked a legacy that reaches beyond commerce into the very fabric of societal values. Our goal is to serve businesses and non-profits, ensuring they improve efficiencies while making a generational impact on families and a kingdom impact in eternity.

We believe that helping businesses become more sustainable is beneficial for everyone. It promotes freedom and reduces dependency on the government, allowing us to save money, ensure people get paid faster on their invoices, and ultimately save babies. This commitment goes beyond mere transactions, embodying a profound moral conviction that resonates with supporters and inspires a deeper sense of purpose.

Join Our Journey

We invite you to join us on this transformative journey. Let your transactions resonate with the heartbeat of life. Together, we can create a world where every financial exchange upholds the sanctity of existence, one purposeful swipe at a time.

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