Pro-Life Payment Solutions: Why It Matters Where Your Processing Fees Go

Have you ever wondered where your payment processing fees go? Imagine discovering that the fees you’ve been paying are indirectly supporting causes that go against your beliefs. That’s precisely what happened to the founder of Pro-Life Payment Solutions, leading to the creation of a payment processing company that aligns with pro-life values. This blog post will delve into the importance of knowing where your processing fees go and how Pro-Life Payment Solutions offers a faith-based alternative for businesses looking to make a difference. Get ready to learn more about our mission, competitive rates, and perks that come with making the switch to Pro-Life Payments.

Pro-Life Payment Solutions

Payment processing fees, which are costs associated with processing credit card transactions, are typically charged by payment processors as a percentage of each transaction for their services. However, many businesses may not be aware that some payment processing companies allocate a portion of these fees to support pro-abortion causes. Such companies may donate to organizations like Planned Parenthood, participate in fundraising events for pro-abortion advocacy groups, or even pay for women to cross state lines to have an abortion.

This situation presents a moral dilemma for pro-life businesses, including those catering to Catholics, Evangelical Christians, and all people who align themselves with the pro-life message. By utilizing these payment processing services, they are inadvertently contributing to causes that go against their beliefs. This poses a significant challenge, as businesses must accept credit card payments to thrive in today’s world while also remaining true to their values. This is where Pro-Life Payment Solutions steps in, offering a faith-based alternative that addresses this issue.


Pro-Life Payment Solutions offers a faith-based alternative to traditional payment processing companies. Rather than supporting pro-abortion causes, Pro-Life Payments is dedicated to championing pro-life initiatives. The company’s Christian values are at the forefront of its mission, with a strong commitment to saving babies and supporting the pro-life movement.

Many businesses have already made the switch to Pro-Life Payments and are thrilled with their decision. Satisfied customers often share how they now have peace of mind knowing that their payment processing fees are not contributing to causes that go against their beliefs. Additionally, they appreciate the competitive rates and excellent customer service that Pro-Life Payment Solutions provides. By choosing Pro-Life Payments, these businesses are not only staying true to their values but also joining a community dedicated to making a positive impact in the world.


Pro-Life Payment Solutions not only aligns with your values but also offers competitive rates that can save your business money. The company prides itself on providing transparent pricing and affordable payment processing solutions. Additionally, Pro-Life Payments offers perks such as no long-term contracts and fast funding times, making it an even more appealing choice for businesses. And don’t forget about Pro-Life Prosper, the donation platform that helps 501c3 organizations, ministries, non-profits, churches, parishes, synagogues, and dioceses accept online donations.

By choosing Pro-Life Payment Solutions, businesses can support a noble cause without sacrificing their bottom line. In fact, when compared to other payment processing companies, Pro-Life Payments often comes out ahead in terms of both affordability and value alignment. This means that businesses can enjoy the benefits of a cost-effective payment processing solution while knowing that their fees are being used to support pro-life initiatives rather than causes that conflict with their beliefs.


Switching to Pro-Life Payment Solutions is a straightforward process. The company’s team of experts will guide you through the steps to ensure a smooth transition. By choosing Pro-Life Payments for your credit card processing and merchant services, you’ll enjoy competitive rates, excellent customer support, and the satisfaction of knowing that your processing fees are supporting pro-life causes.

So, why wait? Make the switch today and join the growing community of businesses that have chosen to align their payment processing with their values. To get started with Pro-Life Payment Solutions or learn more about the company and its services, feel free to reach out to their friendly team. They’re excited to help you make a positive impact and take a stand for what you believe in.

In conclusion, it’s crucial to choose a payment processing company that aligns with your values. Pro-Life Payment Solutions offers a faith-based alternative, committed to supporting pro-life causes and saving babies. By making the switch, you’re not only benefiting from competitive rates and exceptional service but also making a positive impact in the world.

So, take a stand and make a difference by choosing Pro-Life Payments. As Mother Teresa once said, “It’s not how much we give but how much love we put into giving.” Let’s join together in our mission to save lives and support those who share our values. To learn more or get started, visit today.