If you could save 60 million defenseless lives… would you feel better about yourself?


Since Roe vs Wade, over 60 million defenseless lives have been lost to abortion. This staggering number is a sobering reminder of the value of each human life and the importance of standing up for the unborn. The debate around abortion often revolves around semantics, attempting to dehumanize the unborn child by questioning whether it is a “person” or a “living being.” However, these arguments can never justify taking an innocent life. By partnering with Pro-Life Payments, you can actively support the pro-life movement and make a real difference in saving the lives of babies.

The Reality of Abortion

Since the landmark Roe vs Wade decision, more than 60 million babies have been killed through abortion. This staggering number highlights the urgency to protect defenseless lives and support the pro-life cause. The debate around abortion often revolves around semantics, with arguments focusing on whether the fetus is a “person,” a “living being,” or “dependent upon its mother.” However, these arguments are attempts to dehumanize a baby to justify killing it, and they can never truly win against the inherent value of human life. Matt Walsh summarizes these ridiculous arguments very well in this video.

As believers in the sanctity of life, we have a moral obligation to protect and save the unborn. By partnering with organizations like Pro-Life Payments, you can actively contribute to saving lives and make a difference in the fight against abortion. This commitment to the pro-life cause not only aligns with our values but also has the power to positively impact our sense of self-worth, knowing that we are part of a movement that saves the lives of countless babies.

Aligning Your Priorities and Ethics with Your Financial Decisions

Baby Toys

As supporters of life, it is crucial to make choices that align with our core values, even in our financial decisions. One way to do this is by choosing a payment processing platform that shares our commitment to the pro-life cause. Pro-Life Payments is a credit card processing and banking solution specifically designed for individuals and organizations who prioritize protecting and saving defenseless lives. By partnering with Pro-Life Payments, you can actively contribute to the fight against abortion, knowing that 15% of the revenue generated from its services goes towards funding organizations that are actively working to save babies in the womb.

When comparing Pro-Life Payments to other popular payment processors like PayPal, Stripe, and Square, it is important to consider not just the ease of use and competitive rates, but also the ethical alignment of these platforms. Unlike other payment processors, Pro-Life Payments caters to both for-profit and non-profit organizations, offering a reliable and ethical alternative that genuinely supports the pro-life mission.

Partnering with Pro-Life Payments comes with several benefits, including a variety of payment options, such as e-commerce, omni-channel, mobile, retail, restaurants, and giving/tithing and payment processing for both profit and non-profit organizations. Additionally, the platform offers free equipment and POS rentals, month-to-month contracts without early termination fees, and buyouts for existing contracts. By choosing Pro-Life Payments, you can feel better about yourself and your self-worth, knowing that you are an integral part of the movement to save the lives of millions of babies. 

How Pro-Life Payments Contributes to Saving Babies

Pro-Life Payments is dedicated to making a significant impact in the fight against abortion by supporting organizations committed to protecting the unborn. With more than 60 million lives lost since the Roe vs Wade decision, it is essential to save lives and stop the dehumanizing arguments that classify unborn children as anything less than a “baby.” By partnering with Pro-Life Payments, you not only contribute to saving lives but also enhance your self-worth as part of a movement that values the sanctity of human life.

One of the unique features of Pro-Life Payments is its commitment to donate 15% of revenue to pro-life organizations. This substantial contribution directly supports the mission to save lives, providing essential funding to organizations working tirelessly to protect the unborn.

In addition to its ethical commitment, Pro-Life Payments offers a wide variety of payment options, catering to diverse business needs. These options include e-commerce, omni-channel, mobile, retail, restaurants, and giving/tithing, allowing organizations to seamlessly integrate Pro-Life Payments into their existing operations.

Moreover, Pro-Life Payments provides several advantages that make it a reliable and attractive choice for businesses. These advantages include free equipment, POS rentals, month-to-month contracts without early termination fees, and buyouts for existing contracts. By choosing Pro-Life Payments, you can align your financial decisions with your pro-life values, contributing to the fight against abortion and promoting the common good.

Enhancing Your Self-Worth by Supporting the Pro-Life Cause

The argument to kill a defenseless life is never going to win. Save a life. Stop arguing about semantics about whether the fetus is a “person” or a “living being” or “dependent upon its mother” and this does not classify it as a “baby” or a “living being”. These arguments are attempts to dehumanize a baby to justify killing it. Partner with Pro-Life Payments to save lives. Want to feel better about yourself or your self-worth? Partner with Pro-Life Payments and be a part of the movement to save the lives of babies.

By aligning your actions with your values, you can experience significant psychological benefits. When you choose to support the pro-life cause, you are making a conscious decision to stand up for what you believe in, which can lead to a greater sense of self-worth and inner peace. As you take steps to save lives and contribute to the common good, you are actively shaping a better world for future generations.

Partnering with Pro-Life Payments also fosters a sense of community and shared purpose. By working together to save the lives of unborn children, you become part of a larger movement united by the same mission. This powerful connection can deepen your commitment to the cause and encourage you to continue advocating for life.

To further support the pro-life movement, Pro-Life Payments will soon release the Pro-Life Money App, designed for tithes, donations, and invoices. This innovative tool will enable you to seamlessly contribute to the cause, helping to save even more lives. By standing together with Pro-Life Payments, you can make a meaningful difference and truly enhance your self-worth by actively supporting the pro-life cause.

Join the Life-Saving Movement

It is safe to say, you would feel better about yourself if you could save 60 million lives. It seems like such a simple decision; move your money through faith-based companies. Align your financial goals through Christian, faith-based and pro-life organizations. Watch your money work for you and work for the kingdom and let’s save some babies together!! 

As we’ve seen, partnering with Pro-Life Payments allows you to align your financial decisions with your pro-life values and actively contribute to saving millions of defenseless lives. By choosing a payment processing platform that shares your commitment to protecting the unborn, you can enhance your self-worth and make a real difference in the fight against abortion. We encourage you to visit the Pro-Life Payments website and explore pricing and services. If you have any questions or would like more information on how to get started, please contact Pro-Life Payments today.