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PushPay Ownership Values

The owners of PushPay, BGH Capital, ( state, “BGH Capital’s team members are themselves investors in our funds, creating a strong alignment of interests with our investors and management teams.” Presumably, then, the interests of the management team of PushPay align with the team members of BGH Capital. What then are the interests of BGH Capital? What are their values? We see BGH Capital’s values exposed in the companies in which they choose to invest. They own companies that:

  • Provide abortions
  • Promote LGBTQ+ celebrations and initiatives
  • Producing LGBTQ screenplays
  • Recommend COVID-19 vaccines for pregnant and nursing women
  • Developing more mRNA vaccines for a variety of applications

The question for the users of PushPay is, do these interests line up with their values? PushPay ( says they are “here to help churches with Digital Giving, Increase Engagement, and Grow Your Church.” Is it a rationalization to use a company that enriches its owners, who have used their funds for services counter to your values?

ForHealth Abortion Services through Evoca Women’s Health

Does providing abortions align with your values?

“For some women, falling pregnant may not happen at the right time or in the right circumstances. For this reason, a woman may choose not to continue with the pregnancy. Making this decision can be extremely challenging for many women. Your GP at Evoca can help you navigate this period and refer you for counseling if needed. Whatever your choice, we offer a non-judgmental approach tailored to support and assist you on the journey.”

Navitas Embracing Diversity: Supporting International LGBTQI+ Students

Does the celebration and promotion of LGBTQI+ lifestyles align with your interests?

“Navitas is the leading provider of University Pathway courses globally.”

Virtus Health Promoting COVID-19 Vaccine for Pregnant and Breastfeeding Women

Are you concerned that Virtus Health promoted an untested genetic injection into the bodies of pregnant and nursing women?

Queensland Fertility Group is a member of Virtus Health.

From the frequently asked questions section, the question is asked, “I’m hoping to get pregnant. When is the best time for me to take the vaccine?” Virtus Health answers, “Women who are trying to become pregnant do not need to delay vaccination or avoid becoming pregnant after vaccination.” In the same section, they answer:

Burnet Institute for Medical Research mRNA Vaccines

Is it in your interest to expand the use of mRNA vaccines? Burnet is pushing this technology for the “treatment” of a wide variety of sicknesses.

Village Roadshow Official Support for LGBTQ Inclusive Screenplays

Are you comfortable enriching owners who want to expand the normalization of LGBTQ lifestyles in entertainment?

Village Roadshow “signed on to support the initiative’s mission of discovering underrepresented talent and LGBTQ-inclusive content.” They are even part of the “Founder’s Circle” of Hollywood studios.