Pro-Life Fundraising

Comparing Professional and Amateur Levels with an Introduction to Pro-Abortion and Pro-Life Fundraising

Comparing Professional and Amateur Levels with an Introduction to Pro-Abortion and Pro-Life Fundraising

The distinction between professional and amateur levels in any field is often marked by differences in mindset, approach, and commitment. Ultimately, professionals accomplish results that are significantly more difficult than amateurs either through superior techniques or skill. This article explores these differences and highlights some similarities between the two levels with the intent of exposing the professional level pro-abortion and amateur pro-life fundraising approaches. When both camps are equally passionate about their mission and the American public is evenly split on the issue, why does the pro-reproductive rights (abortion) industry raise significantly more money than the pro-life movement?

Pro-Reproductive Rights and Pro-Life Fundraising Similarities

Pro-Life Fundraising

  1. Passion for the Field: Both professionals and amateurs typically share a passion for their respective fields. Whether it’s sports, art, the defense of choice or life or any other discipline, this passion drives them to engage in their activities regularly.
  2. Skill Development: Both groups work on developing their skills, though the depth and focus may vary. Amateurs often engage in skill-building for personal satisfaction, while professionals do so to maintain or enhance their career prospects.
  3. Community Involvement: Professionals and amateurs often participate in communities related to their interests, sharing experiences and learning from others.

Pro-Reproductive Rights and Pro-Life Fundraising Differences

Mindset and Approach

  1. Strengths vs. Weaknesses: Professionals focus on leveraging their strengths and collaborating with others who complement their weaknesses. Amateurs might concentrate more on improving their weaknesses without strategic collaboration[1][4]. The pro-life movement can learn a lot from the pro-abortion industry on how to collaborate to create a significant jump in funding.
  2. Absolutism: Professionals are singularly focused on excellence while amateurs tend to accept good-enough as good enough. Professionals will not collaborate with those who do not support their mission, whereas amateurs make decisions on collaboration based on other interests they consider more important.
  3. Goal vs. Process: Amateurs often set specific goals, such as completing a project or achieving a personal best. Professionals, on the other hand, focus on creating and refining processes that lead to consistent success over time[1][4]. The pro-abortion fund raising goes far beyond asking like-minded people for donations.
  4. Feedback and Criticism: Amateurs may perceive feedback as personal criticism, while professionals actively seek constructive criticism to identify and address their blind spots[1][4].
  5. Responsibility and Decision-Making: Professionals make decisions individually and take responsibility for the outcomes, whereas amateurs might rely on group decisions to diffuse responsibility[1][4].
  6. Commitment and Consistency: Professionals show up consistently, understanding that regular practice and engagement are crucial for success. Amateurs may be more intermittent, participating when convenient or when they feel inspired[1][3].
  7. Handling Failure: Professionals view failure as a learning opportunity and part of the growth process. In contrast, amateurs might see failure as a setback or a reason to quit[1][4].
  8. Focus and Prioritization, Short-term vs. Long-term Focus: Amateurs often focus on immediate results or short-term goals. Professionals prioritize long-term success and sustainability, understanding that immediate outcomes are just steps in a larger journey[1][4].

Pro-Reproductive Rights and Pro-Life Fundraising Conclusion

While both professionals and amateurs are driven by a passion for their field, the differences in mindset, approach, and commitment significantly distinguish the two. Professionals adopt a more strategic, consistent, and long-term approach, whereas amateurs may engage more sporadically and with a focus on short-term achievements. Pro-Abortion organizations are far superior to raising funds and influencing people and politicians than the Pro-Life movement. The Pro-Life movement can significantly increase their funding by adopting successful methodologies used by the Pro-reproductive rights industry such as collaboration with pro-life, for-profit service organizations and a single minded exclusion of any organization that does not support their mission. Understanding these differences can help individuals transition from amateur to professional levels by adopting the mindset and practices that define professional success.


[1] The Difference Between Amateurs and Professionals – Tim Elmore

[2] Topics for Compare and Contrast Essays + Free SAMPLES

[3] The Difference Between a Professional and an Amateur

[4] Turning Pro: The Difference Between Amateurs and Professionals