Is your business supporting the enemy?

Is Your Business Supporting the Enemy?

Imagine unintentionally supporting organizations that go against your deeply held beliefs and values. As a business owner who cherishes life, it’s crucial to align your enterprise with your principles. Pro-Life Payments offers a solution, ensuring that your financial transactions reflect your commitment to protecting the unborn. By evaluating your current business practices, you can safeguard against inadvertently aiding the “enemy” and stay true to your convictions.

Identifying the Enemy in Business

To effectively address the issue of inadvertently supporting the enemy in business, it’s crucial to first understand what constitutes an “enemy” in this context. In general, an enemy is any entity, organization, or practice that goes against your core values and beliefs, potentially compromising the integrity of your business. However, for Christian organizations there is another enemy. This enemy is in a constant spiritual battle with Christians, and funding other organizations that support this enemy is never a desire for Christian organizations.

Competition is a natural part of the business landscape, and it can sometimes be beneficial for growth and innovation. However, when competition turns into a clash of values, it’s essential to remain vigilant and aware of the potential consequences of your financial transactions and partnerships.

From a Christian perspective, enemies in business could include dishonesty, greed, and injustice. These values go against the teachings of Jesus and can hinder your business’s growth and spiritual prosperity. By staying true to your Christian values and prioritizing honesty, fairness, and righteousness, you can create a thriving business that glorifies God and serves the community.

For Pro-Lifers, the enemy might manifest in the form of abortion funding or support for pro-choice organizations. Aligning your business with entities that actively promote or fund abortion is not only morally conflicting but can also jeopardize your relationship with your target audience. By identifying and distancing yourself from such enemies, you can focus on building a business that champions life and supports organizations dedicated to protecting the unborn.

How Your Business Might Be Supporting the Enemy

It’s vital to consider various ways in which your business might inadvertently be supporting the enemy, as this knowledge can help you make informed decisions to align your enterprise with your values. Here are some potential scenarios to examine:

Financial transactions with companies that go against your values – Without realizing it, you might be conducting financial transactions with companies that actively promote or support practices that are in direct conflict with your beliefs. For instance, using a payment processor or bank that funds abortion providers can indirectly contribute to causes you staunchly oppose.

Inadvertently funding organizations that support abortion – By not thoroughly vetting the organizations and businesses you collaborate with, you might unintentionally fund those that support abortion. It’s essential to research these entities and their affiliations to ensure your business dealings align with your Pro-Life stance.

Partnerships with non-believing or non-aligned individuals and businesses – Collaborating with individuals and businesses that do not share your values can hinder your business’s prosperity and make it challenging to practice your faith. According to the Bible, believers should not be unequally yoked with unbelievers (2 Corinthians 6:14), so it’s crucial to partner with like-minded individuals and organizations.

Not honoring God with your business practices – As a Christian business owner, it’s vital to honor God in all aspects of your enterprise. This includes tithing, observing the Sabbath, and treating your workers fairly. By ensuring your business practices align with biblical principles, you can create a business environment that glorifies God and upholds your values.

By being aware of these potential pitfalls, you can take proactive steps to ensure your business supports life-affirming causes and stays true to your Christian and Pro-Life values.

Evaluating Your Business’s Financial Transactions

To ensure your business aligns with your Christian and Pro-Life values, it’s essential to examine your financial transactions closely. By doing so, you can identify any discrepancies and make necessary adjustments to ensure your business dealings honor your beliefs and values.

Begin by assessing your current payment processing and banking solutions. Examine their affiliations and funding channels to uncover any hidden connections to organizations or practices that go against your values. This evaluation is critical to ensuring that your financial transactions align with your beliefs and do not inadvertently support the enemy.

Transparency and honesty in your business dealings are vital to maintaining a business that glorifies God and serves the Pro-Life cause. By openly disclosing affiliations and funding channels, you can foster trust and accountability with your customers and partners. Additionally, aligning your financial transactions with your values demonstrates your commitment to upholding Christian principles and protecting the unborn.

By thoroughly evaluating your business’s financial transactions, you can confidently support life-affirming organizations and create a prosperous enterprise that reflects your Christian and Pro-Life values.

Pro-Life Payments: Aligning Financial Transactions with Pro-Life Values

Pro-Life Payments, a Christian Merchant Services provider and Catholic Merchant Services provider, is designed to help you align your financial transactions with your Pro-Life values. This unique payment processing platform caters to both for-profit and non-profit organizations, ensuring that your business supports life-affirming causes without compromising on quality, rates, or convenience.

By choosing Pro-Life Payments, your business directly supports life-affirming organizations, as 15% of the revenue generated from its services goes towards funding these crucial causes. This conscious choice not only aligns your financial transactions with your values but also actively contributes to the protection of unborn lives.

With competitive rates and a seamless payment experience, Pro-Life Payments rivals popular payment processors like PayPal, Stripe, and Square. The platform offers various payment options, including e-commerce, omni-channel, mobile, retail, restaurants, and giving/tithing, catering to a wide range of businesses and organizations.

By making the switch to Pro-Life Payments, you can uphold your Christian and Pro-Life values while enjoying excellent customer service, competitive rates, and the satisfaction of making a difference in the world. Aligning your financial transactions with your beliefs has never been easier, empowering you to support life-affirming causes and create a thriving, values-driven business.

Making a Positive Change for Your Business and the Pro-Life Cause

Switching to Pro-Life Payments can have a transformative impact on your business and its support for life-affirming causes. By making this change, you can enjoy several significant benefits, including:

  • Supporting life-affirming organizations: By choosing Pro-Life Payments, your business directly contributes to organizations that work to protect the unborn. With 15% of the revenue generated from its services going towards these vital causes, you can be confident that your financial transactions reflect your commitment to life.
  • Aligning your financial transactions with your values: Pro-Life Payments enables you to ensure that your business dealings align with your Christian and Pro-Life beliefs. By using a payment processor that shares your values, you can foster trust and credibility with your customers and partners.
  • Competitive rates and excellent customer service: Pro-Life Payments offers competitive rates and exceptional customer service, rivaling popular payment processors like PayPal, Stripe, and Square. This means you can enjoy the convenience and ease of use you’re accustomed to while supporting a cause that’s close to your heart.

In addition to these benefits, Pro-Life Payments is also developing the Pro-Life Money App, an upcoming mobile application that will facilitate tithes, donations, and invoice payments. This app will offer even greater convenience and functionality for businesses and organizations that value life.

By reevaluating and realigning your business practices, you can ensure that your enterprise stands as a beacon of hope and support for the Pro-Life cause. Embrace this opportunity to make a positive change and create a business that champions life-affirming values and serves the community.


In conclusion, aligning your business with your Christian (or Catholic) and Pro-Life values is of paramount importance. By doing so, you can create a thriving enterprise that supports life-affirming causes and remains true to your convictions. The impact of choosing a Pro-Life payment solution, such as Pro-Life Payments, can be monumental, both in terms of your business’s success and the positive change it can bring to the world.

Take this opportunity to reevaluate your business practices and make a conscious decision to align your financial transactions with your values. Explore Pro-Life Payments and consider making the switch to support life-affirming causes, ultimately creating a business that champions life, serves the community, and glorifies God.

Explore Pro-Life Solutions

Discover how Pro-Life Payments can help you align your financial transactions with your values and make a positive change for your business and the Pro-Life cause: